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Finally, good news for bald men: a recent study has revealed that bald men or men with receding hairline have lesser chances of developing prostate cancer, and the chances are not small at all. Scientists have come up with results that hair loss reduces the risk of developing the disease by almost 50%. Additionally, the earlier a man develops baldness, the lesser is the risk of developing prostate cancer.

The research was published in a research journal Cancer Epidemiology. However, there is also news that is not encouraging at all. Study has found that men who are infertile are more likely to develop prostate cancer, to be more precise, infertility increases the chances of developing prostate cancer by two and half times, and the chance of developing tumors that grow slowly is elevated by 60%. However, not all hope is lost. If a man follows a healthy diet and practices healthy lifestyle, the risk decreases considerably. Diet truly plays an important role in lowering the chance of prostate cancer.

For this reason, men should eat lots of lycopene (tomatoes), soy isoflavones, selenium, broccoli (do not overcook but better steam), cauliflowers, salmon (and other oily fish because of omega 3 fatty acids), pomegranate juice, and black and green teas. Also increase the consumption of omega 3-fatty acids because studies show omega 3 fatty acids help curtail the spread of prostate cancer to other parts of the body. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in oily fish, nuts, walnuts, almonds, broccoli, radish, spinach, soy, tofu etc. Of course balanced nutrition is the key to success. Make sure not to overuse supplements of selenium and lycopene because they may have harmful effects on the body. At this point it is important to bring out that these are experimental studies and that they might have potential drawback. Like all other experimental studies they will need further research and need to be backed up by additional data that to support the exact cause and reason between links baldness, nutrition and prostate cancer.

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