High Temperature Alert!
We use thermometers in order to know ifthe temperature of our body is too high. If it is, we are probablysick or suffering from an infection, causing our body to fight it.There are the many different devices made for these purposes, some betterthan the others. Many people use the thermometers made to be usedunder one's armpit or in mouth, or those which are placed on aperson's forehead, even though there are many other different typesand ways of usage. Forehead thermometers, however, are often thoughtto be imprecise and ineffective enough. Nevertheless, each and everyone of these items has its own positive and negative sides, makingsome of these products better and more preferable than the others.
Different Thermometer, Different Effect
It is a well known medical fact thatrectal measuring of the body temperature is the most precise one.Namely, this approach is mainly used with infants and very smallchildren. Regardless, the doctor is to be very careful whilepracticing this type of measurement, so as not to hurt the child. Thearmpit and mouth measuring are also precise enough, even though theirresults vary in comparison to the rectal one. Also, with the lattertwo approaches, there is a danger of breaking the device, letting thepoisonous mercury out, endangering one's health. Digital thermometerswere made in order to prevent this from happening. Ear temperaturemeasurement is an alternative approach as well. However, ear wax mayinterfere with the adequate results, altering them.
What About Forehead Thermometers?
When we talk about these products, weneed to bear in mind that there are two different types of them. Thefirst one involves a thermometer which comes in a form of a strip,able to be stuck to the patient's forehead, changing color whilemeasuring and giving the results afterwards. These are very popularand are made for singular use, obtained in packs costing from 9, allthe way to 600$ per pack. Regardless, they are quite imprecise, andmay give misleadingly wrong results.
Another, equally imprecise variant ofthese devices, is the laser forehead thermometer. These devicesmeasure body heat via infrared rays. Thus, they are easily affectedby other sources of head or the heat of the environment in which theyare used. Even though these are slightly more accurate than thepreviously mentioned ones, they still have many flaws making themincapable of giving adequate results.
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