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Considering Various Wheelchair Types

There is a number of different wheelchair designs available out there. The most popular among the variety would most definitely have to be the folding wheelchair – and there is a number of solid reasons for that.

This type of wheelchair is used by a range of people with all kinds of different needs. It is even used by athletes who compete in wheelchair races or play wheelchair basketball. This is because the particularities of the design allow a lot of comfort, versatility and easy access to movement while also grant maximum flexibility and are easy to store as well.

The Advantages of a Folding Wheelchair

A folding wheelchair contains a lot of small and movable parts. Just like any other wheelchair, a folding one undergoes a lot of stress throughout its lifetime. The moving parts are easily removed and only make it a lot easier to repair (as opposed to a rigidly built model) when it is necessary.

A folding one is also a great deal more portable than a solid one. This is a major advantage since when the disabled person needs to take a car ride, the chair may be simply folded and put in the trunk – while on the other hand, the rigid version would prove a problem in such a situation. In fact, a van or a ramp may be required in order to transport a model which does not fold.

Additionally, and obviously, a folding wheelchair proves a more thankful solution when it comes to storing it when it is not in use, since, when folded, it takes up very little space. It is also very lightweight and this quality makes even more suitable for storing since it could be carried in-between stories easily.

There are multiple reasons to why anyone with a bit of knowledge on wheelchair design would, when asked for advice, most likely recommend the x-frame folding wheelchair as the universal "best choice". The chair is by far among the most convenient ones when it comes to both use and storing. These qualities are emphasized much due to the chair's thin and compact structure design.

However, since nothing man-made could ever possibly be perfect, this design has its flaws which, too, need to be highlighted if only as fair warning. Namely there are certain stability issues with the x-frame model, and this is because the chair is designed to fold side-to-side instead of forward. This little design flaw has thus been known to cause rigidity issues while the chair is open and in use.

Despite this design flaw, the x-frame is still among the best choices out there.

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