Choosing a wheelchair for a child can turn out to be a rather confusing business because nowadays, the options are so wide and versatile that one does not know where to begin. Luckily, there are some guidelines that can be followed in order to start thinking in the right direction and narrow down the choice of the wheelchair.
Choosing the particulars of a wheelchair based on the particulars of the disease
While some children are simply unable to move their legs, others have injuries that have resulted in the restriction of movement in such a way that they can’t position themselves at certain angles in order to participate in some activity or something to that effect.
A special kind of wheelchairs out there are electric wheelchairs that are controlled by a remote control or a joystick. These wheelchairs come as handy as they can get as the child can manage them all alone with no effort whatsoever. Also, this particular kind of wheelchair is basically the best choice of a wheelchair there is and it has many additional effects, like adjusting the height.
The danger of having a powerful wheelchair
While, all parents want to make their children happy and afford them the best products out there, one must first take into consideration the side effects of such a choice, before making a rash decision. As much as a powerful wheelchair with a lot of gadgets and functions seems cool, the parents must realize that that kind of wheelchair will only be that much more dangerous. Another reason not to buy the most expensive wheelchair in the store is the fact that children are constantly growing and the child will grow out of its chair soon enough, therefore, the money would be a complete waste.
Why is it important to fit a wheelchair the best way possible?
Making sure that the wheelchair is completely fit for the use by its owner is quite essential. The lack of proper fitting can result in a number of different issues and health conditions. Proper fitting also entails inquiring whether the child will handle the wheelchair with its hands or by a remote control or some other option, and making sure that all of the above are in order.
The worst kind of damage provoked by the wheelchair is a permanent spinal injury which can happen if the seat level is raised too high, making the person have improper posture.
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