Even though it may sound rather too strange to be true, and to some even unbelievable, heart disease and flossing are closely tied one to another. As far as the significance of flossing is concerned, just about everybody knows that flossing is extremely important and should be made a regular habit so our teeth would maintain their overall health. Brushing one’s teeth is the foundation of the oral hygiene, since this represents the best way to get all those bigger food particles out of your teeth and your mouth as well. On the other hand, flossing itself plays an extremely important role as well, particularly since it aids a person in freeing and getting rid of all those minute food leftovers in between our teeth, which in turn maintains our gums healthy and keeps them free of bacteria and other similar “pests”. Therefore, in order to maintain your oral health, the health of your gums and health in general, flossing should be on top of your must-do list. Another upside of flossing is that it also has the potential to save a person from many diseases and illnesses.
Description and varieties
Dental floss thread represents a strand of two distinct types of materials, i.e. nylon and single filament floss. The strands in question are made for people’s use, specifically since it was reasonable to assume that simply using the toothbrush only would not be a 100% sure single way of getting rid of all the bacteria in one’s mouth. What comes to mind immediately is, of course, the mouth wash solution, but unfortunately, not even this liquid solution is almighty and able to find its way in every nook and cranny. However, it still represents an additional technique that should not be disregarded. As for the nylon floss itself, it is available in two different types – waxed and unwaxed, enriched with quite a number of flavors to suit anybody’s taste. The strands in question, despite their shredding properties, are highly effective. The other variety – filament floss, is a bit pricier version, but you get a thread that does not only slide more easily, but it reaches much deeper into the niches.
Floss neglect impact
Though many people today find brushing their teeth to be quite sufficient, they should be aware that without flossing, the gums become more prone to diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis and excessive plaque formation. The most frequent manifestations of a gum disease are such as bleeding/tender gums, unpleasant breath, oversensitive teeth, pain while chewing, loose teeth, receding gums, red, and swollen gums.
Heart disease-flossing tie
These two, as already mentioned, are extremely tied to one another. For instance, as soon as the swelling starts to spread uncontrollably, its side effects negatively affect a person’s heart as well. Also, as a direct consequence of the improper mouth state, the inflammation that appears can befall just about any part of our body, as well as release great amounts of chemicals called “mediators” that are responsible for the onset of the heart inflammation. As for other health threatening conditions that can occur due to diseased gums, the following should be mentioned:
Pneumonia (ventilator-associated)Insulin’s effects are decreasedBone damageDementiaChronic and aggressive periodontitis.
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