We will discuss the problem called night blindness andhow this problem is treated. This is a problem that causes inability to see indark lightening surrounding. This problem is also called nyctalopia, which leadsto the inability to detect images and shapes in low lightening conditions. Nightblindness can be very dangerous if a person walks or drives during the night.
The severity of the condition is influenced by several factors so there aremany causes of the problem. One of the causes is deficiency of vitamin A, whichis a problem that can lead to dry eye and disorders associated with the retina. Cataract can also lead to night blindness, which is acondition associated with cloudy eye lens. Visual problems may be experienceddue to this condition, which can be present during the night and day as well,but the problem will be greater during the night. We need to adjust when wetransfer from high to low light condition and inability to do this can lead tonight blindness. The condition in question can also be developed due to birthdefects and use of some medications. Retinal pigmentosa and other forms ofretinal degeneration problems may be accompanied by night blindness. Risk ofsuffering from night blindness can be increased due to several factors. So, thosewho consume low amounts of vitamin A, who are old or hadretinal degeneration conditions in the family, have increased chances ofdeveloping night blindness. The inability to properly absorb vitamin A can be asign of several health conditions, and this leads to the deficiency of thisvitamin and eventually to night blindness. This inability is more likely to happen in those with intestinal problems, liver disorders and those who underwentsurgery on liver or pancreas.
Loss of vision can accompany night blindness and this is a problem that usually occurs during the day. Gritty emotion in the eyes, dry feeling in theeyes, inability to distinguish shapes in dark soundings, double and blurred visionare the most common symptoms of night blindness.
The cause of the problem determines the course of the treatment, but vitamins arethe most common and simple way of treating this problem. If you are having avitamin A deficiency, taking this vitamin will eliminate this problem and nightvision. The results will not develop instantly; it may need several weeksand months, but it will occur. Removing cataract is the solutionif this problem is present. This will eliminate night vision and cataract. Thetreatment of those with retinal degeneration or birth defects depends on manyfactors, so every case is different. Timely response and visit to the doctor improves the chances of slowing downthe development of the condition. Patients may even recover from the conditionin some cases. But it is important to be careful during the night if you arehaving a problem with night blindness. Try to avoid driving during the nightand falling due to disorientation.
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