Even though exercise is good for the majority of people, sometimes different kinds of physical activity may aggravate symptoms of people suffering from chronic illnesses.
People suffering from epilepsy, as well as their family members, are quite concerned when it comes to exercising. The worry may be so intensive that such patients end up overprotected and are sometimes without any justified reason excluded from physical activities and restricted to participate in different sports.
Exercises are beneficial even for this group of people. Still, because seizures occur suddenly and unexpectedly, patients are due to pay even more attention when exercising and perform the activity under safe conditions.
Exercise and Seizures
Prior engaging in any physical activity patients suffering from epilepsy are due to consult their health care providers. Many sports are allowed as long as patients do not overexert themselves. They are also due to remain well hydrated and prevent hypoglycemia. Seizures may occur, but this most commonly occurs after the exercise session is over.
Safety Issues
One is due to consult his/her doctor each time he/she opts for a new exercise program. Furthermore, while exercising it is essential to avoid any known seizure triggers. Medications must be taken on a regular basis. Stop exercising immediately if you feel dizzy, nauseous and dehydrated.
People around the person suffering from epilepsy must be familiar with his/her condition. If this is not possible, wear a medical alert bracelet or pendant. A protective helmet and knee pads may be of great help too. A life jacket is worn while participating in water sports.
What about Risky Activities?
Prior engaging in risky activities, patients must obtain their doctor's permission. This particularly refers to sports like scuba diving, bungee jumping, boxing, skydiving, high altitude activities, motor sports, horseback riding, gymnastics, ice activities, skiing as well as solo water sports like sailing or wind surfing.
The best thing is to have around a person familiar with patient's condition, capable of carrying out the necessary seizure first aid.
Precaution regarding Watery Sports
Water safety is crucial because seizure while being in water may be a cause of drowning. Any water area such as baths, pools, spas and oceans may be problematic. Because of that one needs to be accompanied by a person physically strong and educated enough to help if necessary. Patients suffering from epilepsy should never swim alone or engage in any kind of water activity without being accompanied by other people.
Finally, pay attention to extreme fatigue, lack of sleep, dehydration, hyperthermia and hypoglycemia, all of which may trigger seizures while being physically active.
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