Erectile dysfunction, defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to facilitate intercourse, is one of the most common problems that men face all over the world. This particular problem is not pleasant and it is quite psychologically troublesome for all men.
In some cases, erectile dysfunction is temporary, often a sign of extraordinary stress, and will resolve on its own spontaneously. In other cases, it is a long-term problem, which can also result from underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis.
Because erectile dysfunction can have a large negative impact on a man's quality of life, experts are looking for various ways to solve this problem and help men have proper sexual intercourse once again. Nowadays, there are a lot of medications that will help men treat the problem of erectile dysfunction.
Viagra is the best known medication for erectile dysfunction. Apart from medications, there are also a lot of natural remedies that help in getting rid of erectile dysfunction. Ginger root is thought to be one such remedy. However, people should first get to know as much as they can about the ginger root.
What is ginger?
The ginger plant is (you guessed it!) a member of the ginger family of plants. Apart from ginger plant, there are two more members of this family. These plants are the turmeric and the cardamom, both of which also have medicinal properties. The ginger plant is a lot more popular than the other members of the ginger family due to the fact that it is used in both medicine and cooking. Ginger root can be used when it is young but it can also be used when it is old and dry.
Ginger root throughout history
Ginger root is thought to have originated from Asia. However, it did not take long for this potent plant to spread to other subtropical climates amongst which are West Africa and the Caribbean. People have been using ginger root as a remedy for digestive problems for over 5000 years. Even nowadays, the root is used for sea sickness and morning sickness. Ayurvedic Medicine also uses the root for treating arthritis and rheumatism.
Active ingredients in ginger
People should know that there are three active ingredients in the plant and they are gingerol, zingerone and shogoals. The first ingredient is believed to be responsible for the treatment of an upset stomach and migraines.
Ginger root and sex drive
According to the experts, both men and women have been using ginger root for a really long period of time in order to get back their sex drive. Apart from that ginger as a treatment to increase libido, it has also been used even in the treatment of premature ejaculation. It is a known fact that ginger root is mentioned in the Kama Sutra as an excellent stimulant.
According to the studies, ginger root increases testosterone in laboratory animals.Zenerect is known to contain ginger root, among other natural ingredients and that will help a person increase the level of testosterone and blood flow.
While there is no conclusive scientific evidence that ginger will help a man with erectile dysfunction achieve a satisfying sex life again, studies done on rats and mice do suggest that ginger can both improve sperm health and fertility. Since ginger, which can be consumed in foods and juices as well as in the form of supplements, is a healthy root with anti-inflammatory properties, seeing if adding ginger to your diet can improve your sex life will not do any harm.
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