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Antibioticswere put in use during the 1940s and since then they have been widely used all overthe world. They keep bacteria that cause infections from spreading and endangeringour health. The discovery of antibiotics has greatly improved health maintenanceand gave us an ideal solution for curing infections. Before the era ofantibiotics started, a lot of people were dying due to different infections. However, thesedays a great number of people use antibiotics excessively and that can havenegative impact on the general health. Thishas been proven even in the experiments that were performed on animals. Ifsomeone takes antibiotics too often, he or she will be at higher risk to make bacteriaimmune to the medicine in question. High percentage of all infections, to be more precise about 60% of them are cured with the help of antibiotics and that is the reason whythey are not effective later on. Also, if animals are treated with antibiotics,bacteria can become resistant to them. When people eat meat that is row or, notcooked enough, these bacteria can enter human body and make problems.

What canexcessive usage of antibiotics cause?

As we have said, bacteria can become immune to antibiotics if they are used too often, which means that the medicine will have no effect on bacteria and they will be ableto grow and harm your body even more. There are some others medicines that canbe prescribed, especially for kids, because kids are prone to adverse effectsof antibiotics such as discomfort in belly and frequent bowel movements. Overuseof antibiotics can cause infections of intestines. Bacteria are becoming moreimmune to antibiotics and that makes them harder to destroy. Because of that, weneed stronger antibiotics to deal with the harmful bacteria. It was proven thatearlier antibiotics were very efficient for treating infections, but today thesituation has changed. That is why certain infections are very hard to treatsuch as sinusitis, inflammation of the meninges, infection of the ear orpneumonia.

How to useantibiotics properly?

When youhave flu, cold or similar mild infection, you shouldn’t use antibiotics, becauseyou can treat these conditions in a different way. It is important to continuewith the usage of antibiotics exactly as the doctor told you, if you have alreadystarted using them. If you stop using them before the doctor tells you to, the bacteria can grow and spread. If bacteria became resistant to antibiotics, thanthe treatment of the infection can be very hard and expensive. Also, it isimportant to know that there is no need for antibiotics when your infection iscaused by a virus.

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