There are more than 2500different bacteria in Salmonella genus, and they are all classified in twogroups, though this classification is still not accepted completely. Thesebacteria do not cause problems only in human body, but in animals as well.
Usually, the signs of salmonellapresence appear at the same time, and many people are affected. This is becausethey all consumed the same contaminated food or water. When something like thishappens, laboratory should be informed that there is a possibility ofsalmonella poisoning in order to perform specific tests for salmonella.
There are different opinionsregarding the treatment of salmonella infection. One side thinks that the bestchoice is to use antibiotic drugs, while the other side is against theantibiotics. However, some patients need to be treated particularly withantibiotics, especially those whose immune system is week.
Serious salmonella infectionsmarked by inflammation of the intestines are treated with this kind ofmedications. It is necessary to examine what antibiotics salmonella isresistant to. If the bacteria have developed resistance to some medicines, thenthey can’t be used in the treatment, because it can make the treatment moredifficult. The drugs most commonly used for this condition arefluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalosporins. If the person doesn'thave any symptoms, that doesn’t exclude the possibility that the same personcan transfer the bacteria to others.
In order to prevent thisinfection, it is important to wash your hands on regular basis, particularlyafter being in touch with the ingredients like eggs or meat. Try to wash handswith antibacterial soap. You should eat food that is clean and well cooked. Donot touch animals which might have this infection. Public-health authoritiesalso contribute in preventing diseases like this by demanding from restaurantsto take care about the hygiene and about the hygiene of their employees. Theseauthorities also do not allow products that are contaminated to be distributed,and the fact is that there were lots of product recalls in the past few years,because of the contamination.
There are vaccines for typhoidfever but the Center for Disease Control recommends the vaccine only for thoseindividuals who are traveling to Africa, Asia or Latin America. In these partsof the world, salmonella is very common. Those who want to be vaccinated needto inform their medical advisers two months ahead. There are attempts to createa vaccine that will work for every salmonella infection.
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