During menopause, a woman's body undergoes a variety of changes, most of which are not pleasant and are quite hard to deal with. One of frequently reported problems menopausal women face with are different skin changes. Dry skin and thinning hair are only some problems that may occur in menopause.
Fortunately, there are ways to help women in menopause not only overcome skin issues but eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms and signs this period of their lives brings.Menopause and Skin Changes
Menopause is characterized by a variety of imbalances in the body due to lack of hormones that have been normally synthesized within the reproductive period of a woman's life. Hot flashes, mood swings, painful intercourse and vaginal dryness during menopause are only some problems that can develop.
Moreover, the lack of estrogen which typically occurs in menopause is closely connected with different skin changes. This is explained by the fact that estrogen plays significant role in the production of collagen and oils. These two are important for maintaining youthful appearance of the skin.
Lack of estrogen may initiate many different problems with skin. For instance, there is increased loss of collagen (the supporting structure of the skin), decrease in the glycosaminoglycans (chemicals responsible for 'plumpness' of the skin), decrease in dermal thickness and skin elasticity as well as increased skin dryness.
Furthermore, women in menopause are prone to fine wrinkling, poor wound healing and increased susceptibility to trauma and injuries as well as loss of skin strength. Additional changes are associated with increase in unwanted facial hair and decrease in scalp hair.
All the mentioned explains why wrinkles appear at a more rapid rate, why the skin dries out and ages rapidly and why hair becomes dull and listless.
So, help yourself and your skin by taking measures which will preserve skin's health or at least reduce progression of all the negative effects of menopause and the process of aging.Hormone Replacement Therapy for Dry Skin
Many women who have entered menopause have opted for hormone replacement therapy. With estrogen taken orally, most symptoms of menopause can be successfully brought under control. This means that even skin problems may be dealt with once the woman starts with hormone replacement therapy. However, it is best to consult a health care provider who will also present side effects of the treatment and determine whether a woman is suitable candidate for such treatment.
Along with hormone replacement therapy, menopausal women are due to pay close attention to their skin, eat healthy, drink sufficient amounts of water and use cosmetic products specially made for women of their age.
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