OHSS or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a medicalcondition which sometimes occurs due to hormonal medicaments which are designedfor the stimulation of the development of eggs in the ovaries. Thesemedicaments usually come in the form of injections and they are commonly usedfor the treatment of infertility. OHSS is a medical condition whichunfortunately involves swelling and painful sensations in the ovaries. Thiscondition usually affects every fourth woman who takes fertility injections,and it does not last for more than a week. If a woman becomes pregnant, thecondition may last longer and in some cases it may last up to several weeks.Some rare cases may involve severe form of OHSS which is characterized byshortness of breath, vomiting, abdominal pain and rapid weight gain.
Most cases of OHSS begin after 10 days of taking thefertility medication. The symptoms may vary from person to person. Moderate instancesof OHSS can be characterized by tenderness in the area of the ovaries,diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, increased girth, abdominal bloating and reoccurringmild to moderate abdominal pain. Severe cases of OHSS can be characterized bydizziness, enlarged abdomen, tight abdomen, shortness of breath, dark urine,decreased urinary frequency, vomiting, severe nausea and severe abdominal pain.Women who suffer from severe OHSS usually experience a very rapid weight gain.If a person experiences any of the aforementioned symptoms of the ovarianhyperstimulation syndrome, she should visit the doctor.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome occurs after takingfertility medications which are designed to enhance the production of the eggs.Oral medications such as clomiphene which are used for the same purposes areusually not involved with the occurrence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Thesemedicaments are much easier to take and are commonly much cheaper than theaforementioned injectible types of medications. The medications which arecommonly associated with the occurrence and development of ovarianhyperstimulation syndrome include human Chorionic gonadotropin, humanmenopausal gonadotropin, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone.
There are certain individualized plans for fertilitymedications which can be of great help in reducing the risk and preventing OHSSfrom occurring. A wide variety of strategies used for the prevention of ovarianhyperstimulation syndrome include follicle aspiration and freezing of embryos,avoiding the use of the already mentioned human Chorionic gonadotropin,coasting and adjusting the dosage of medications. It is strongly suggested toalways use the lowest doses of gonadotropin possible.
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