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Problems with urination may affect every person. All age groups are affected equally with greater predominance in men since they commonly suffer with problems with prostate. Difficulty urinating may be transitory or a permanent problem depending on the underlying cause. In men who are suffering from enlarged prostate there is frequently increased urge for urination, yet when it comes to the very process of passing urine they can hardly urinate at all. Some people may even complain about narrowing of the urinary stream. There are numerous causes which can lead to this medical condition and they require to be identified and treated as soon as possible.

Causes of Difficulty Urinating

If problems with urination occur all day long and even linger through the nigh one may be suffering from urinary tract infection. Difficulty urinating is in this case accompanied by burning sensation while passing urine, frequent urination and a sense of urgency to urinate. Even the urine may change and become cloudy.

Some people who are on prolonged therapy with specific medications may also have problems with passing urine. These medications include nasal decongestants, antidepressants, anticholinergic medications and so on.

Difficulty urinating may be one of the symptoms in people suffering from various neurological diseases.

Problems with passing urine commonly occur after surgery. This is a consequence of anesthesia or some medications and fluids given after the surgery. The greatest risk of difficulty urinating is evident in people who have undergone abdominal surgery.

In men prostatitis or enlarged prostate typically lead to problems with urination.

And finally, even pregnant women may have difficulties with passing urine. Namely, fibroids, tumors, warts, improper position of the uterus etc. may lead to difficulty urinating. Furthermore, enlarged uterus may compress the urethra and lead to problems with urination and retention of urine. This particularly occurs in the third trimester and if the uterus is in a reverted position.

Treatment for Difficulty Urinating

In case, this problem occurs it needs to be reported to the doctor as soon as possible. If infection is the underlying cause of difficulty urinating patients are prescribed antibiotics. Postoperative problems with urination are treated with urinary catheters. Once the patient has restored normal urination the catheter is removed. Men who are suffering with problems with the prostate require specific treatment. Urologists are doctors who treat problems with prostate.

In people whose problem is not so severe it is essential to keep a track and record any change in urination patterns and if urination significantly decrease this needs to be reported to the doctor. Massage of the bladder can be stimulating and ease emptying of the bladder. Even drinking plenty of water can increase excretion of the urine.

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