With a Season Comes Depression
However peculiar it may sound, seasonal depressions are quite a common thing. Many people experience depression in repetitive periods each year. For some this might be end of fall and the beginning of winter while for others this might be reserved for the end of spring and the onset of summer. Therefore, any part of the year may be the time of this reoccurring depression returning into life.
Symptoms of Seasonal Depression
For people suffering from this type of depression, certain parts of year bring drastic downfalls in lifestyle. Lack of interest and a significant decrease of ability to concentrate and pay attention, along with tiredness and constant feeling of weakness, are just some of the most usual symptoms. Additionally, weight gain accompanied with a strong craving for carbohydrates add on to the list of this depression's manifestations. Also, some may experience quite the opposite effect, having loss of appetite as one of the basic traits of his or her seasonal depression. Finally, sleeping disorders and weight loss may be present as well.
Although, the specific reasons behind this condition remain unknown, there have been certain speculations and presumptions. Namely, since this condition is far more common in places high in latitude, with smaller amounts of sunshine during the year, it is thought that sun may be behind this type of depression. People who lack sun in their lives tend to be more depressed and sad, lacking the will power of people who enjoy sunny days. It is possible that neurotransmitters may be affected by the scarcity of daylight, thus resulting in all the symptoms mentioned above. Finally, young and middle aged women are more prone to this condition than older people and men.
Diagnosis and Treatment
As soon as one notices the lack of life force and will being a part of his or her everyday existence, he or she should seek professional help in order to get diagnosed correctly and therefore prescribed an adequate therapy.
The treatment may involve the doctor prescribing you with some antidepressants. Also, light treatment may be an alternative. This approach makes you spend all leisure time under a special, artificial light, exposing you to no ultraviolet radiation, throughout the whole period of seasonal depression. However, one should protect his or her eyes while under this therapy, since radiation is present nevertheless.
Finally, exercising regularly, spending free time out in the open and having a healthy diet may prevent seasonal depression from ever occurring in your life. Socializing in your free time and visiting your therapist in cases of any symptoms are all actions highly recommended.
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