Dehydration occurs when your body loses liquid and you do not recuperate it. Dehydration can happen to any person. However, small children elderly people and people who suffer from chronic illnesses are more prone to it.
Our bodies need water to be able to carry out regular process within it. If it misses liquid it suffers and sends signals that tells you that you need to consume more liquid. The symptoms are usually vertigo, diarrhea, dry mouth etc. In severe cases of dehydration you can experience even worse symptoms and the immediate visit to a medical center is advisable.
In order to prevent dehydration drink sufficient amount of water especially during summer, while working out or when you are ill. If you feel that your mouth is dry and sticky, if you are sleepy or tired, you most probably suffer from mild dehydration which can be solved by drinking more water. If you see that your child is less playful and that it does not urinate as often as always it may suffer from dehydration. Your child may also cry without tears feel dizzy and weak and simply be thirsty.
In cases of extreme dehydration a person can urinate dark urine, suffer from fever and trembling have dry mouth and skin have sunken eyes and stop sweating. In such cases you need to take a person to a hospital. Next stadium of dehydration is delirium or unconsciousness.
When you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated. You need to prevent this by drinking water regularly. You should observe the color of your urine. If your urine is light yellow that means you have enough liquid. If on the other hand it has darker color and has stronger smell you need to increase intake of water. If you do not urinate for longer than 8 hours and you feel dizzy and confused you are probably experiences stronger dehydration.
You should pay more attention on elderly people and children. If your child or grandparent vomits longer than 8 hours has recurrent diarrhea feels annoyed or sleepy call a doctor immediately. You need to control your child’s behavior and remind it to drink fluid.
Dehydration can develop very serious conditions such as heart problems, muscle cramps and stroke. Another dangerous consequence of dehydration is swelling of the brain. It is especially dangerous if you are dehydrated in the hot weather.
Isotonic dehydration happens when you lose fluid and also a little bit of sodium. In cases of hypotonic dehydration you lose more sodium than liquid. Your body will fight dehydration by producing substances that will draw the water back into your cells and therefore it may develop swelling. When this swelling happens in brain certain cells can be damaged. In cases of severe dehydration your brain can become disorientated and can send wrong signals to the body causing muscle seizures.
Hypovolemic shock is the most dangerous consequence of dehydration. The blood pressure lowers abruptly an oxygen is no longer distributed through the body and the person can die.
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