In this text, we will focus on the problem of liver cirrhosis. This is a liver disease, which can be fatal. The enzyme production, blood sugar maintenance, glycogen formation and metabolism functioning are some of the functions that the liver performs. So, you can see how important it is for a proper functioning of the human body. Many metabolic processes are related to this organ. The chronic liver disease called cirrhosis is associated with the damage of the liver tissue and cells. The blood flow will be affected by this condition and it will eventually be blocked. Liver will deteriorate over time and after a while, the liver failure will occur. The focus of this text will be the stages of this disease, so we will see which they are.
Gradual damaging of the liver tissue occurs during the initial stage. During this stage increased itchiness, upper right abdomen tenderness/enlargements, weight loss, fatigue, appetite loss, nausea and weakness are experienced. Biopsy is needed if these symptoms are experienced and they should never be ignored. The next stage, called secondary, involves the creation of connective tissue due to the damaged tissue. This fibrosis stage expands to other liver regions and it causes building up of the bile pigments, which leads to jaundice. Tertiary is the next stage that involves partial dysfunction. Fibrosis causes enlargements of certain areas and the creation of gallstones. They are created due to the insufficient liver bile amount. Mental disorders are also a possibility because toxins begin to build up. The final stage of the disease is associated with the retention of the fluids. Kidney failure and liver cancer can be experienced in this stage, because the liver cells are being damaged over great period of time.
There are several possible causes of this disease. The most common one is an excessive use of alcohol, which is lethal in many cases. The next cause is hepatitis, which creates liver inflammation and liver infection. Also, heart disease, like hypertension, can be associated with liver troubles. Hemochromatosis is a problem that causes iron build up and it is known as a probable cause of the liver cirrhosis.
The liver abnormalities can be detected with the use of biopsy, CT scan, ultrasound or blood test. If you are drinking three or four glasses of alcohol a day, this can increase the chances of having liver cirrhosis. Hepatitis, which can cause liver cirrhosis, can be prevented with vaccination. The treatment may involve alcohol abstinence, use of certain drugs and excess iron removal (if hemochromatosis is the cause). The development of the liver cirrhosis can be reduced, but the problem can never be cured completely.
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