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Chronic Belching can result in discomfort and a lack of appetite. For the most part, belching is not a serious problem but an instinctive action. When we belch, stomach gas is expelled through the mouth, thus producing the characteristic belching sound. One might experience slight abdominal discomfort prior to belching, followed by a subsequent feeling of relief. If belching occurs continuously and on an empty stomach, this is considered to be chronic belching. Chronic belching might produce a burning sensation in the throat and chest, as well as a bad odor and nausea. These problems might indicated some kind of underlying condition.


Belching is most often associated with the swallowing of too much air. This can occur for many reasons, including as a result of eating or drinking too fast. Those who talk with their mouths full might also be more susceptible to belching. Drinking carbonated beverages is also a prime cause of belching. Mouth breathing might also result in an excess of air entering the stomach. Nerves or anxiety are another possible contributing factor when it comes to the onset of belching or burping. In addition to this, drinking from a straw or the chewing of gum can also be a cause of belching.

Belching might also occur due to the consumption particular types of foodstuffs. Foods like beans, carrots, pulses, cauliflowers and spicy foods can all be culpable when it comes to belching. Those who are intolerant to lactose might also begin to belch after consuming milk or other dairy products. Gastrointestinal problems such as GERD can also lead to belching.

Treatment and Prevention of Chronic Belching

Chronic belching is worth a visit to the doctor. This will help to evaluate whether or not there is an underlying cause to the belching, other than easily reconcilable problems. The main focus of treatment will be to reduce the production of stomach gas and to prevent the swallowing of air.

Stomach gas can be reduced through the usage of medicines containing Simethicone. These medicines will help to reduce the size of gas bubbles in the digestive system. Antacids can also be used to combat belching.

Otherwise, if medication is not the desire of the patient, he or she should remember to eat slowly, avoid fizzy drinks, avoid foods that might cause an allergic reaction and also to avoid eating too much at any individual sitting. Furthermore, one should try to remain stress free.

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