Bad breath (halitosis) usually results from poor dental habits or it is associated with other medical conditions. The problem may become even worse with certain kind of foods and in case one cherishes some unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Foods and Bad Breath
The process of digestion starts inside the oral cavity. Some food products that are strong in odor (garlic, onion etc.) may be the cause of bad breath even though a person pays special attention on dental hygiene (brushing and flossing after consumption of such foods). The odor of these food products will go away once they leave the stomach or in some cases once they are totally eliminated from the body.
Bad Breath and Poor Habits
People who do not have a habit to brush and floss their teeth on regular bases deal with remnant food particles that are commonly stuck between the teeth, around the gums and on the tongue. The remnant food is digested by bacteria normally found in oral cavity and the products of this digestion may be responsible for bad breath. Bad breath may also affect people who are wearing dentures in case they do not clean their artificial teeth regularly.
People who are smokers are highly susceptible to bad breath, stained teeth, reduced ability to taste foods and gum irritation.
Bad Breath and Different Health Conditions
In many cases persistent bad breath is associated with periodontal (gum) disease. Periodontal disease develops as a consequence of plaque build-up on the teeth. This plaque is an excellent place for multiplication of bacteria and their uncontrollable growth induces irritation and eventually inflammation of gums and subsequent bad breath.
Furthermore, chronic bad breath can be connected with poorly fitting dental appliances as well as yeast infection of the oral cavity.
Xerostomia is a medical condition that features with insufficient production of saliva. Lack of saliva always leads to bad breath. And there are several more causes of chronic bad breath. They include side effects of certain medications, continuous breathing through the mouth, sinusitis and a few other respiratory tract infections, chronic acid reflux, liver and kidney problems.
Prevention of Bad Breath
Bad breath can be prevented if one starts to practice good oral hygiene, brush and floss teeth several times per day especially after meals. The tongue is supposed to be brushed as well. The toothbrush must be replaced every 2-3 months. Dentures are removed and cleaned after every meal and during night taken from the mouth and cleaned. They are placed in the mouth the next morning.
One is due to visit his/ her doctor regularly and undergo professional teeth cleaning, treatment for periodontal disease and other oral problems.
Bad habits such as smoking must be eliminated. One is also due to drink plenty of water, he/ she may chew gum (sugarless) and suck candy (also sugarless). Gum and candy increase production of the saliva, hence reduce a chance for bad breath.
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