Why Do I Feel Pain in Chest whileBreathing?
Experiencing any type of sudden pain inchest while breathing is not pleasant and can cause you to question the situation. Namely, you areprobably going to assume that something is wrong with your health.Also, regarding that assumption, you might be suffering from severaldifferent conditions, one of which could even be an ongoing heartattack. Thus, before jumping to any conclusions, you should know howto notice pain in chest while breathing and know when is the time toseek medical assistance, getting a proper diagnosis and starting anadequate treatment of your problem.
The Feeling
This phenomenon may manifest through asharp pain, which first strikes you in the back, transfers onto yourshoulder area, and then spreads gradually onto your arms, shoulders,neck and jaw. As for breathing, you are likely not to be able tobreathe freely, inhaling smaller amounts of air, sweating and feelingsick. Upon applying pressure on your chest, you are bound to feeltenderness while experiencing constant burning pain in your chestbone and around it. Any case of coughing or deep breathing, as wellas moving one's body in different positions, only increases theamount of pain you are exposed to. Finally, your taste sense isaltered as well, since, while suffering from this condition, you canfeel a sour taste in your mouth whenever you are swallowing. Still,the causes of all these problems do not necessarily need to berelated to your heart.
Reasons behind Chest Pain whileBreathing
In most cases, your heart is the issueand the main underlying cause of this condition. Namely, yourarteries may not be capable of delivering sufficient amounts ofoxygen to the heart due to obstructions or narrowing of the bloodvessels.
Nevertheless, sometimes the problem maybe related to the lungs. Then, there is a high likelihood that youare suffering from a pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot caughtin the lungs, depriving them of oxygen. Pneumonia, or anycomplications related to it, also is capable of delivering this kindof pain to your chest.
Alternatively, your whole lung may bedown, you might be suffering from a broken rib or excessiveaccumulation of gas in the area. All these factors are known to causechest pain while breathing.
Possible Treatment
Basically, the treatment is prescribedonly after the patient gets examined by an electrocardiogram. Then,after ruling out or confirming any of the cases mentioned above,including gastroesophageal reflux disease, proper treatment isprescribed and the patient may start taking certain antibiotics orchanging his/her lifestyle so as to stop the pain from appearingagain.
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