Fur los in your household pet is not a pretty site. But before you overcome your pet’s new appearance and start to seriously worry about the causes, stop right there; there are many possible causes for fur loss in cats, and only few of them are symptoms of something serious. Here is a list of possible causes of fur loss in cats, and you can more easily identify which one of them is a problem with your pet. Normally, in case of your cat’s fur loss, good advice is to see a veterinarian, whatever cause you may think it is.
Cushing’s Disease
Also known as hyperadrenocorticism, Cushing’s disease is a very rare cause of fur loss in cats. Other symptoms of this disease are mild lethargy and increased thirst and appetite. Also fur loss in cats with this disease is symmetrical, meaning what and where of fur is missing on one side should be identically missing on the other.
Mange mites berry under the cat’s skin and causes itching although they can not be seen. The only way to diagnose them precisely is via the microscope and the piece of cat’s skin. Treatment of mange mites involves pyrethrin products application, and supervision of a veterinarian.
Notoedres Cati
This parasite is also very rare cause of cat fur loss, and it causes alopecia in cats. Areas of fur loss are around the ears or neck. Notoedres Cati is relatively unknown to the general public, yet it is second most common parasite in cat problems.
Fungal infection also known as ringworm produces singular patches of fur loss. Treatments for it are usually oral medications, but some specialist recommends shaving off cats totally, in order to quickly and successfully get rid the cat from fungus. Prepare your cameras, then.
In case that fleas are many or your cat has a hypersensitive skin, loss of fur may occur as a result of flea infestation. In order to stop the itching, cats would do almost anything, including biting off pieces of fur. Fleas in cats should be treated immediately in order to avoid any more fur damage.
Any change in usual diet, which should be protein rich meat like turkey or salmon may produce various problems, among others los of fur. In order to avoid diet related problems ad vitamins E and B or their supplements to your pet’s diet.
There are some other possible causes of cat’s fur loss, and they can be environmental, bacterial or some allergies. Best course of action is to consult with your cat’s veterinarian.
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