Depression in children
Depression in children is a different condition if we compare it to depression in adults. However, if a child seems depressed or sad and cheerless, it certainly does not mean that it really suffers from depression. Nevertheless, in the case when that condition prolongs and starts to occur more than it is normal, it is probably a matter of a medical condition called depression. Depression is a serious disease because it has many negative effects on the child and his social activities and school, and it may also disrupt the family life.
Symptoms of depression in children
Symptoms of depression are different from child to child. In the majority of cases, they are not detected in the early stages, so therefore, they are not treated in time. This happens because many parents think that this is a normal behavior for the child during his growing up, which is why it is also commonly known as camouflage depression. The parents often do not understand the problem if their child is often angry during a game.
In some cases, children show grief and bad mood similarly to the adults who are depressed. Also, children who are depressed can often change the mood. Moreover, they often have a sense of hopelessness that often lasts for a long time. Such children can withdraw from society because they are sensitive to rejection from their peers. There are also changes in weight, in sleep and in performing everyday tasks.
Causes of depression in children
The causes for the development of depression in children are numerous and various. Genetic vulnerability, suboptimal early developmental experiences, and exposure to stresses are some of the major causes for depression in children. There are certain theories, such as cognitive theory of depression, that claim that depression may develop because of constant negative thinking in children. Furthermore, those children that negatively evaluate themselves are at greater risk to develop depression. Moreover, certain stressors, such as school problems, problems with peers, family, and medical illness affect a child’s emotional state.
One of the causes of depression in children is instability in family. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases when a married couple has problems in the marriage, they often do not conceal it from their children. Child is physiologically vulnerable to everything that is going on between its parents and therefore, because of the stressful situation, they develop some of the symptoms of depression. Additionally, if the parents are depressed their children are depressed too, because in such families stress is always present because of the family situation.
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