Chlamydia is often referred to as the "silent epidemic", and that is a very fitting title. It is called that because chlamydia is an infection that often has no symptoms at all. Many people have no idea that they have it, and, thinking they are completely healthy, they start trying to conceive a baby. Many women do get pregnant while they have chlamydia, and there are a few serious possible complications of chlamydia in pregnancy. That is why testing for chlamydia is recommended for every newly pregnant woman. But, while some women struggle with chlamydia in pregnancy, others cannot get pregnant at all due to this STD.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), occurs when scarring caused by chlamydia affects the cervix, uterus, and the fallopian tubes. If your fallopian tubes are scarred, it is very possible to become infertile. PID is not an unusual reason to need IVF. That is why, despite the fact that chlamydia is frequently symptomless, it is without a doubt an infection to be taken extremely seriously. If you are reading this now, and thinking "Oops, there could, possibly, be a chance I could have chlamydia" please get tested. The great thing about chlamydia is that it is easily treated with antibiotics. The sooner you get treated, the less chance you have that your pelvic organs became damaged. Please read about STD testing before getting pregnant too.
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