What is Known about Calcium?
Calcium is one of nutrients human organism needs every day. Youneed calcium for the building and maintaining of the bones, teeth and manyother soft tissues. Also, different metabolic processes won’t be possible withoutcalcium. Your body needs calcium to perform blood clotting, to regulate yourheartbeat and transmit nerve impulses. Based in the mass of the body, calciumis fifth most common element, and because of that it is known to be very importantfor every healthy diet.
Getting enough calcium early in life is important for yourbones, for this way they will become stronger for later stages of life. For maximumbones density and strength experts advise taking enough vitamin D and calcium,along the regular physical activity, such as walking, dancing, hiking, joggingor weight-lifting. Sports with racquets or climbing the stairs are also god forthe bones.
Your body needs more calcium than usual if you are growing,making new bones or making milk. So, kids and pregnant women require morecalcium than all other groups of people. Many teenagers, young orpost-menopausal women as well as older persons often take much less calciumthan they should be. Also, keep in mind that if you are on a high sodium diet,it may mean that your body loses more calcium through the urine than usual.
Calcium Sources
Dietary sources are the best known way to ensure you are takingenough calcium every day. Dairy products are best sources of calcium there are.You could use milk or any other dairy product and you won’t make a mistake. Drinking3-1/3 cups of milk every day is what your body requires in terms of calciumintake, but you can take low fat of fat free yogurts or cheeses. Even buttermilkis very good source of calcium for you.
Dairy products are the biggest sources of calcium and thismineral is easily absorbed from these sources. However, there are also someother food, useful to provide smaller amounts but still plenty of calcium youneed. These are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, nuts, beans and variousseeds, as well as dried figs. When the sardines are canned with their softbones you can used these as valuable source of calcium. Also, you can choosesalmon, rich in this mineral as well.
Plenty of food and drinks, fortified with calcium can befound in the supermarkets these days. Find your choice among juices, bottledwater, breads, cereals or even calcium fortified snacks and use them.
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