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Johanna Budwig was a famous German biochemist and author, creator of the healthy anti-cancer diet, also known as the Budwig protocol. Doctor BJohanna Budwig was a famous German biochemist andauthor, creator of the healthy anti-cancer diet, also known as the Budwigprotocol. Doctor Budwig was nominated for a Nobel prize seven times. However,this information is not completely reliable as the names of the nominees arenever publicly announced. This diet is completely natural and based on thehealthy compounds. The effectiveness of the diet has been proven in manyindividual patients and a great number of people across the world benefits fromit. However, no scientific evidence is available for the effectiveness of thefull Budwig protocol.

Dr. Budwig’s research

During her researches on patients with cancer,Budwig found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients contains lowlevels of certain important essential ingredients which included substancescalled phosphatides and lipoproteins. On the other hand, the blood of a healthyperson always contains sufficient quantities of these essential ingredients.Furthermore, she found out that when these ingredients were replaced over justabout three month period, tumors slowly but surely receded and patients were feelingmuch better. All of the symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction and diabetes werealso significantly alleviated. Dr. Budwig found a natural way to supply thebody with those essential ingredients, by eating a combination of two naturalfoods – organic flax seed and cottage cheese.

Budwig’s diet

Budwig's diet contains the essential nutrientcombination that prevents and cures the cancer. Flax seed oil and cottagecheese must be eaten together to be effective, since one of the compoundstriggers the release of healthy properties in another. The basis of the diet isthe famous mix that is made of 1 cup of organic cottage cheese (low fat cheese,very soft), 2 to 5 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoon of freshly groundflaxseed, a bit water to make it soft and cayenne to taste. One should eat thistasty mix every day for breakfast.

Flaxseed is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids whilecottage cheese (or yogurt) contains high amounts of protein.

Diet restrictions

Budwig’s diet prohibits certain foods, such assugars. This is based on Dr. Budwig’s discovery that cancer cells feed onglucose. Reducing the amount of glucose, therefore, reduces the possibility ofgrowing cancers. The diet also avoids animal fats, salad oils, meats, butterand margarine. All of the consumed ingredients must be strictly organic andnatural. Not even flaxseed oil supplements are allowed in the diet. Dr. Budwigalso recommended a limited use of medications and all other vitamin or mineralsupplements.

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