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Importance of Muscle Repair

When it comes to bodybuilding and also to every day exercising, muscle repair is considered to be an integral part that adds up to the best overall health of the person in question. Just like numerous methods that enable a person to be most productive during his exercises are of great essence, so is the entire process of muscle repair. Therefore, providing your muscles enough time to recuperate after a day's strenuous exercising is of utmost importance. On top of it all, muscle repair supplements can prove to be extremely useful, since next to the proper diet and exercising, they can, to a great extent, add up to your entire body and muscle mass much faster and in significantly less time.

Muscle Growth

Contrary to general opinion, muscles as such do not “grow” during those exercise hours, but it is completely the other way around. The more demanding the exercise, the greater the risk of muscle tears and strains. What lies behind the immediate pumping of the muscles is the increased blood flow into those muscles. But at the moment when that stops and when muscles can “take five” from strenuous activities, it is then in the hibernation phase that all the tears and strains recuperate and regenerate. Also, there occurs the process of building more tissue, which is essential for the next round of exercises. As a matter of fact, it is exactly that during this rest/hibernation phase muscles of the person in question grow most.


The two vital phases of rest are as follows:

Post Workout Phase, whose onset is around 30 to 45 minutes after the completion of a workout session, and its duration spans all the way to two hours. What is important to know is that this phase requires greater quantities of proteins that the body can absorb pretty rapidly. As far as the best source is concerned, that is, of course, whey protein (e.g. Proto Plasma), and those proteins that are the closest to the liquid consistency (ON Gold Standard, which is a protein powder).Sleep Phase. When thinking about muscle growth, sleep is considered as the most important phase, especially deep sleep. During this sleep phase, there occurs the regeneration of the muscles that were most employed during the daily workout session. If a person uses those proper supplements, then the growth process can be boosted unimaginably. Therefore, this is the phase that should not be neglected or underestimated at all. The best supplement is considered to be Nocturnabol, and if combined with others such as 1-Androsterone and 4-AD, the effect will be increased even more.

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