Malariais a term used for the disease which occurs because of a parasite transmittedby the mosquitoes. It is infectious and very serious disease, that can be evenlife-threatening and fatal. Malaria is typical for tropical andsubtropical countries, and that is why it is recommended to take appropriatemedications before traveling to these parts of the world where malaria is acommon disease. Pregnant women, elderly people, children, and the persons whoseimmune system is weak have more risk to be affected with malaria while visitingthese countries. P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale arefour types of a one-celled parasite called plasmodium, that causes malaria inhumans.
Whenmalaria appears, there are several symptoms and warning signs. The person whosuffers from malaria usually has a moderate or severe shaking chills and fever.Profuse sweating while the temperature falls, as well as the feeling ofuneasiness, may also be signs of malaria. Furthermore, headache, vomiting,nausea, and diarrhea are additional symptoms of this disease. Usually thesesymptoms are the same as when the flu is in the question, and because of that,it is important to consult the doctor if the person has previously been in someof the countries where malaria occurs frequently. When the symptoms ofmalaria are noticed, it is important to visit the doctor who will determine theproper treatment and appropriate medications. This depends on the seriousnessand the type of malaria, of the infected area, and of the age of the patient.The drugs can be administered intravenously or orally. When the treatment endsthe person usually feels tired and weak for several weeks.
Themedications used to cure malaria are generally called antimalarial medications.The most frequent drugs that doctors prescribe to treat malaria arechloroquine, quinine sulfate, hydroxychloroquine, mefloquine, doxycycline, andcombinations of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine or atoyaquone andproquanil. In some cases, artemisinin-derived medications, such as artesunate,are effective in the treatment of malaria. Halofantrine is a drug that can bevery effective and helpful when malaria is in question, but it is important toavoid the usage of this medicine if the patient already takes mefloquine, or ifthe patient has problems with the heart, because in that case, the consequencescan be very serious, and even fatal. The drug primaquine is taken toprevent relapse and to fight against the dormant liver kind of parasites. It is notrecommended if the patient is a woman who is pregnant or if the patient has theglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
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