Cholesterolis a type of matter in the blood, and it enters the human circulatory system as a product of the liver and as a substance taken in through food. Human bodies are capable of processing lipids, and in this process cholesterol is produced. The amount of cholesterol that is created in the liver is typically quite enough for the entire human body. However, when we take in foodstuffs that contain cholesterol, its level gets increased. Foods that contain cholesterol include different meats, entrails, egg yolk, non-skimmed milk, and other fatty dairy products in general.
Cholesterollevels and dietary habits
People who suffer from elevated levels of cholesterol in blood need to follow a special nutrition plan if they plan to avoid harmful high levels of cholesterol and subsequent hazardous consequences. These people should consume food that contains as little saturated fat as possible, and food which is high in soluble fibers. Where can we encounter cholesterol in food? It is to be found in some meats, eggs, dairy products that have not been skimmed etc. Because of the aforementioned, people with high levels of cholesterol need to limit their intake of fatty foods.
There are some foods that are encouraged in the diet of people with high cholesterol, and some that need to be restricted or even avoided completely. For example, those with diagnosed high cholesterol should have phytosterols in their diet. They can be found in some plants – fruits and vegetables. What is also recommended is oat. Not only does it contain insignificant amounts of saturated fat, it also directly decreases the level of cholesterol in blood.
Among the foods that are recommended for consuming in the diet of people who seek to lower their cholesterol we have lean meat types. When preparing lean meat, it is best if you removed excessive fat tissue. The best way to prepare it is to grill so as to get rid of the redundant quantities of fat. Chicken meat is very desirable in the diet, provided you remove the skin, which is very fatty.
Be careful with consumption of eggs. Remove yolks from your diet entirely, and consume only egg whites. Also, be cautious with cheeses. Always opt for those with low level of fat – cottage cheese, mozzarella, for example. As we have previously mentioned, careful with dairy products. You can consume milk, yogurt and other products provided they have been made of skimmed milk, since milk fat can drastically elevate the level of cholesterol in your body.
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