The organ which has the shape of a pear and is located under the liver is called gallbladder. Gallbladder has the function of bile storing. When people eat food, it goes from the stomach to the small intestine and when it gets there gallbladder expels the bile in order to help with the digestion. However, when bile has too much cholesterol, gallstones tend to occur. People who are on a high-fat diet have more chance of developing gallstones.
Gallbladder dietHowever, if there is too much cholesterol in the bile, gallstones will appear. In these situations people need to consume more starchy food like bread, cereals and rice. It is also good to add vegetables and fruits to the diet because of the fiber.
Low fat diet and gallbladderDiet for gallbladder disease
When people are suffering from some gallbladder disease they should consume foods like skimmed or low fat milk instead of full fat cheeses and yogurts into their diet. When preparing meat, people should make the meats leaner and make sure to remove all the fat from it. Doctors advise the people to intake fish oil capsules because of the Omega 3 oils they contain. These oils prevent the cholesterol from formatting in bile.
A person should also eat vegetables and fruits as often as possible because of the fiber.
Diet after gallbladder removal
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