High Blood Cholesterol
Most people are afraid when they hear the word cholesterol because this word and heart diseases come in the same package. There is a fact that most people do not know and it refers to the connection between the cells from the human body and cholesterol. Cholesterol is very important for the process of hormone synthesizing and the functions of the metabolism. But there are problems that can occur if the cholesterol is higher than normal. The cholesterol can get into the blood in two ways and one is by the intake of food, while the other is by the natural production done by the human body. Lipoprotein is a protein that works in collaboration with the cholesterol and this is how the cholesterol goes through the bloodstream. These are the bad and good cholesterol, or the LDL and HDL. The LDL, or the low-density protein, is sent towards many body areas by blood and it builds up in the walls of the arteries, thus developing plaque. But the HDL avoids the blockage of the arteries and frees the blood from cholesterol. The normal levels of LDL are below 130mg/dl, while HDL levels should be higher than 40mg/dl. Life habits, like diet and amount of physical activity, metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity, and genetics are some of the factors that influence the development of high blood cholesterol. Also age and gender play parts in this. The blood cholesterol can increase due to consumption of food from animals such as dairy products, egg yolk and red meat. Cholesterol is not present in fruits, vegetables and cereals. High level of fat is in hydrogenated vegetable oil and the saturated fat is present in coconut and palm oil, which is used for chips and cookie production, and these things can lead to high blood cholesterol levels.
Soya, brown bread, wheat and other whole grain cereals will help you reduce blood cholesterol. Also eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables since they are good antioxidants and fiber source, and they will provide protection against heart issues. Substitute fried food with seasonal fruits. Try not to use coconut oil and other oils with saturated fat and include olive oil and similar for the salad dressings and cooking. Great amount of omega-3 fatty acids can be consumed with fish, but avoid fried fish and eat it steamed, grilled or baked. Eat walnuts but in moderation, and it is a good thing to reduce the intake of baked food and sweets, while skimmed milk is advised for the milk products. Try to exercise at least for 30 minutes a day because this will make your body weight normal and it will prevent heart problems. It is a good idea to stop smoking as well.
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