Rose Water
Roses have always been the tool for seduction. Men are giving the red roses to impress and conquer and women use rose products, as perfume or cosmetic products, to nurture the skin.
Medieval chemists are responsible for the introduction of rose water to the world. It is still made using the same process (called steam distillation), of rose petals. It could easily be done at your home. It takes some time, but the best rose water for your skin is a home-made product. If you prefer, you may buy some rose water available on the market, but be aware, some of the bought stuff may contain chemical ingredients.
Using the Rose Water:
Rose water can benefit your skin. It could be used as the cream or face mask, and men could try it as the aftershave product. Rose water is good for any skin type, all are responding well to this product. Sunburns and wounds heal more easily with the help of rose water.Many of the hair products contain rose water. With regular use, it decrease inflammation of the scalp and helps hair growth.Rose water which contains the essential oil, added to the bath have an anti-stress effects and improves the depression.Inflamed gland or sore throat may also be treated with rose water. You should rinse your throat with rose water several times a day.Rose water eye drops are useful to people having tired eyes, just make sure that the drops don’t contain any harmful substances to your eyes (alcohol for instance).Paradentosis, gum problems and bad breath may be resolved with the use of rose water. When having headache, try a compress of rose water. Keep it on your head (or forehead) for 45 minutes and it should ease the pain.Essential rose oil is quality oil used in aromatherapy, for relaxation and its calming effect.
The ancient Romans used to bath in rose water, probably because it toned their skin and gave them the pleasant smell. Today, we know that the rose water have many other qualities. It affects the nervous system and skin, and it is used in many cuisines, for different food and drinks. Gulab Jamun, an Indian sweet, contains rose water, as well as malaysian bandung, Turkish loukum, marzipan, and madeleine cookies. Sometimes, rose water is added to the lemonade, just to give it a special flavour.
Rose water is also used in some religious ceremonies in Hindu and Muslim world.
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