Massages are body tissue manipulationtreatments designed to relieve pain and treat certain medicalconditions, while, at the same time, promoting health and well-being.There are many types of massage treatments, specially designed forhelping people deal with certain health complications or prevent somediseases from affecting them.
Therefore, massages are beneficial forone's health, especially once he/she is suffering from painfulor uncomfortable muscle and tissue injury.
Benefits of a Massage
Massage can have numerous benefits fora person's health. Apart from treating health problems, massagetreatments stimulate and improve the blood circulation in the specificarea of the body, promoting healing. Basically, the more bloodreaches an area, the more oxygen will be delivered to it and thefaster the recuperation and recovery will be.
Additionally, massages can relax muscles and help them get rid of the toxins they contain and producedue to exertion. Since these toxins get expelled from the body oncemuscles undergo massaging, this procedure keeps the body safe andhealthy.
Furthermore, massages are helpful forpeople who have suffered injuries during accidents or sportmishaps. In fact, athletes commonly undergo regular massagetreatments in order for their body to stay in a good shape and becomemore resistant to physical strain it gets exposed to on a dailybasis.
Also, through massaging, the therapistlocates any knots or similar tissue problems in our body and breaksthem, contributing to the decrease or even disappearance of themuscular tension and any other problems like scar tissue etc.
However, before scheduling a massagesession, you should make sure that you have a couple of things inyour mind. Basically, you should let the therapist know if you arepregnant or have a history of heart or lung problems. Joint and skinhealth issues should also be reported, along with any recentsurgeries or injuries you are currently recovering from.
What is more, people who suffer fromsome kinds of mental problems are not advised to undergo massagetherapy of any sorts.
In order to make you massage an optimalexperience, you are advised not to eat a lot of food beforehand andarrive about 10 minutes early in order to fill in all the necessaryforms and rest a bit, relieving your body of tension before theprocess commences.
What is Deep Tissue Massage?
Deep tissue massage is designed toremove tension from muscles and connective tissue. It iscalled deep due to the fact that it focuses on massaging muscles andother tissues which are located beneath the upper tissue layers,reaching deeper into the body. This form of massaging is usuallyrecommended for patients who have been bothered by persistent painfor a long time or those who have been injured.
This massage form is carried out bypressing certain parts of the body and holding the pressure for awhile. Therefore, the therapist may use different body parts in orderto apply the pressure, combining his/her fingers, palms, elbows,forehands and many other parts in order to reach deep tissues ofthe patient.
Subsequently, the massage sessions ofthis type are commonly very intense and localized, since it would beimpossible for a therapist to apply high levels of tissue pressureon the entire body of the patient. Moreover, this would be acounter-productive thing to do since it would lead to injuries andpossibly health complications.
People who undergo deep tissue massageare usually bothered by problems such as adhesions, blocking thecirculation and leading to pain, restricting movement. In thesecases, the therapist focuses on manipulating deep tissues throughfriction and pressure, doing away with these issues.
Due to the aggressive nature of deeptissue massage, the patient may feel stiff or sore for a day or two.However, once these effects are gone and the body recuperates, thepositive effects become clearly visible and noticeable.
Deep tissue massage is used fortreating chronic pain, limited mobility, injuries like the onesstemming from sport accidents, whiplash or falls, repetitive straininjuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, improper posture, pain dueto osteoarthritis and conditions like fibromyalgia or muscle spasms.
According to different scientificresearch, about 34,000 people found effective relief through deeptissue massage. In fact, this effect surpassed the ones coming frommedications, chiropractics, acupuncture, diet or someover-the-counter drugs.
Finally, keep in mind that, once yourmassage session is done, you are advised to drink plenty of water inorder to stimulate the removal of toxins from the treated muscles,flushing out the metabolic waste.
All in all, deep tissue massage is aspecial type of massage treatment, consisting of several well-knowntechniques including the Swedish, Thai and sports massage as well asthe techniques for lymphatic drainage. It can help people overcomemany types of injuries and health problems, promoting health andrelaxation.
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