Bellybutton Pain Causes
There are many possible reasons behind bellybutton pain.Most commonly, people connect this condition with navel piercings. However,even though these commonly lead to infections due to neglect or misuse, manyother things may trigger bellybutton infections in an individual. Namely, anylack of hygiene or washing the navel area with dirty water may lead toaccumulation of bacteria, viruses or fungi around the spot, triggeringinfections, each causing different types of problems. Touching the bellybuttonwith dirty hands can also lead to this complication. All in all, the cases aremany, and so are the unwanted results.
Once a person starts suffering from a bellybutton infection,he/she may experience pain and irritation in the area, accompanied by nauseaand different types of discharges from the infected area. Depending on the typeand the severity of the infection, the discharge may be yellow, white, grayor greenish. This condition should not be neglected and the treatment should besought as soon as you notice the symptoms. Any prolonged activity of theharmful microorganisms upon the area may result in the escalation of the severityof current health problems and potential increase of the health risk of theinfection, transferring onto some other organs in our body.
The Treatment
Before anything else, you are to have your infectedbellybutton examined. Then, after your doctor checks the current situation,he/she will prescribe you the best possible therapy which is likely to involvetaking some antibiotics and treating the infection topically with certain creamsor other products of this type. You should keep the bellybutton area clean atall times and make sure that it is disinfected. However, you need to do thiscarefully, so as not to cause any irritations or damage to the skin area. Allthese hygiene necessities are even more crucial if you happen to have a navelpiercing. Then, absolute care and disinfection measures are a must.
You might use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for naveldisinfection. It is best to prevent these health complications than to treatthem since there are cases where the treatment may last for several years.
All in all, whichever the cause of your navel infectionmight be, you are highly advised to seek the medical attention as soon as you noticeany of the symptoms. Pain might just be enough for you to react. Once you havethe area examined and are given the right therapy, all you need to do is followit through until the infection is gone and make sure you prevent anyappearances of this in the future.
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