Aspirin is so widely used medicine that it’s hard to imaginesomeone never heard about it. This is an OTC (over the counter) medication thatcan be used to treat various aches and pains. It is found very useful in thetreatment of fever, inflammation and mild pain, and even the swelling andredness caused by arthritis or some other infection.
Aspirin has been recommended to be used every day inpatients suffering from some heart-related problems. This drug has been scientificallyproved to promote the health of the human heart and decrease the risk ofdeveloping different heart illnesses, even in people who survived heart attack.Low everyday doses of Aspirin, used in these patients are proven to improve theblood flow in the heart, prevent strokes and decrease the seriousness of theheart attack. Aspirin has the same effects even for diabetic patients.
Sometimes, Aspirin can be used to treat gout and gall bladderdisease or prevent periodontal disease. Other uses of this multipurpose druginclude decrease of the risks: for developing colon and some other cancers and forAlzheimer’s disease and dementia.
How Much Aspirin Should You Use
There are many forms of Aspirin available at the drugstores.You can find this medication as capsules, chewy tablets, regular tablets orpowder. You should always ask your doctor for the opinion on how much Aspirin you should use for a specific situation. However, your pharmacist may also assistyou to use proper Aspirin dose.
In most cases, when you want to get rid of some mild pain or afever, it is safe to use 300 to 1000mg of Aspirin (if you are adult), 3 to 4times a day. The dose should correspond to the purpose of the use and thesensitivity to this medication, so be aware of that when using Aspirin.
People using Aspirin on a regular daily basis are advised totake about 75 to 325mg per day, but your doctor should recommend the exact dose foryou, depending on the severity of your medical condition.
Children younger than 16 years should not take Aspirin,because of the risk for developing serious health problems, known as Reye’ssyndrome. This syndrome affects all organs in the body, especially the brainand the liver and it is known to be fatal.
Who Shouldn’t Use Aspirin
Children under 16 years of age should not use Aspirin. Pregnantwomen and breastfeeding moms should consult their doctor about the use of this medication.
Avoid taking Aspirin some 10 days before any surgicalprocedure.
Hemophilia patients should not use Aspirin, because it mayworsen their medical condition.
People suffering from asthma, diabetes, anemia, ulcers and kidneyand liver problems should always consult their doctor, before starting thetreatment with this medication.
Be careful when using vitamins, gout and diabetes drugs,blood thinners together with Aspirin, since they may interact and cause someunwanted effects.
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