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Anxiety attacks and agoraphobia may be treated in many different ways. Some of the commonly used methods are hypnosis, biofeedback, psychotherapy, psychiatry and many others. Depending on the behavior of the patient and the characteristics of the conditions, various treatments can be used for different individuals. Also, the patient can give feedback to the treatment or provide the therapist with the useful information which can improve the therapy itself.

Causes and Signs of Anxiety and Agoraphobia

Usually, people who suffer from these problems have unhealthy eating habits and tend to take medications which have their symptoms as a side-effect. Thus, outer factors contribute greatly to the development of both agoraphobia and anxiety attacks.

Eating food high in refined sugars or consuming refined food altogether can lead to hormonal changes which can have a negative impact on your body and your mind. Moreover, drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee and energy drinks, as well as eating a lot of unhealthy snacks, all are factors which influence the onset of agoraphobia or anxiety attacks.

As for the medications, as soon as the person notices that drugs he/she is taking are triggering symptoms of agoraphobia or anxiety attacks, he/she should discontinue the consumption of these medications. However, changing your lifestyle, medications or eating habits may not be enough once the damage has been done.

Then, a proper treatment is necessary.

Treatment for Agoraphobia and Anxiety Attacks

Biofeedback may help with some patients, but it may prove to be as effective as a placebo. Moreover, your patients may lose interest in this way of relaxation and stress release, never coming to your office again, after a couple of sessions.

On the other hand, psychotherapy looks deeper into the problem, searching for the roots beneath the agoraphobia and anxiety attack issues.

Biofeedback usually does not work on patients with anxiety attacks since they usually seek attention and cannot relax. Of course, the patient's personality can dictate the success of the therapy. Anxious people are usually perfectionists and very responsible individuals. These traits of theirs work against them during treatments, since their patience and concentration is limited. Thus, psychotherapy is the most successful type of therapy for patients suffering from agoraphobia or anxiety attacks.

All in all, each patient is an individual and should be treated as such. Additionally, each patient has his/her own triggers of problems. Therapists need to pinpoint these causes and help the patients deal with them, getting rid of anxiety attacks and agoraphobia altogether.

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