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Antibiotics can be life-saving sometimes, but when they are used improperly, they can also be extremely hazardous. It is safe to say that antibiotics have turned into one great medical invention that is now grossly over-used. I think nearly all doctors would agree with that statement. When you are pregnant, it is especially important to exercise caution when it comes to antibiotics. Sadly, there are some occasions during which you truly need them, even in pregnancy. What do you need to know about antibiotics and pregnancy, and which antibiotics are safe to use while you are gestating a baby (and which ones are definite no-nos? We will not tell you which antibiotics are fine, and which ones are truly dangerous, because we don't think that you should rely on information off the internet when it comes to crucial medical decisions. Instead, we will refer you to the only source that can provide you with information that is as accurate as possible the package insert of the antibiotics your doctor would like to prescribe to you.

Don't even rely on your doctor's expertise, and make sure to check what the manufacturer of your medication says about its safety for pregnant women. Sometimes, doctors will prescribe you antibiotics of which the safety for unborn babies is not clear. In the case that the condition you are being treated for is known to be dangerous to a fetus, the train of thought leading to such a prescription is obvious. The key is to ask your healthcare provider all the relevant questions. What possible negative consequences could the use of a particular antibiotic have on your baby? Are there any alternative? What would the possible consequences of delaying treatment until after the birth of your baby be, for you and your baby? Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to make a truly informed choice about your treatment. For two examples of justified usage of antibiotics during pregnancy, read our articles on chlamydia treatment options for pregnant women, and GBS treatment during pregnancy.

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