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Every woman will have her period stop along with ovulationand this period is called menopause, but one of the problems that arise fromthis situation is allergic reaction. Menopause comes in the period from 45to 55, approximately 50 years of age, but this can happen even before 40. Thissituation occurs among 1% of female population and it is called prematureovarian failure or premature menopause. It can lead to many problems and one ofthem is allergic reaction. This happens mostly due to the compromised immunesystem, which makes women prone to attacks from allergens in the environment. Allergens can be inhaled or eaten and they will provoke allergic reaction. Thereare a lot of these allergens in the nature, but their effects on a human varyfrom one person to another due to specific sensitivity of an individual. Humans can be allergic to every single item present in the world.

Progesterone is the main reason why allergic reactions during menopause occur.Treatment is very difficult, but this is a problem that happens rarely. Every person can develop allergic reactionin a different way but the severity depends on several factors such as immunesystem's response, exposure level and a type of the allergen.


Allergic reactions during menopause are created by progesterone, both natural andsynthetic. It will cause problems such as hives (or urticaria) or a rash, but itcan lead to serious problems such as anaphylactic shock, which can be deadly. Allergicrash caused by natural occurring progesterone can be very problematic for the treatment.


Abnormal reactivity of the progesterone can leadto the episodes of anaphylaxis, which cannot be explained by anyone, but which can occur at any time.The cause of this problem has been seen in the histamine release from thebasophile, which makes cells prone to the mast cell degranulators. Also, the causeof this problem has been detected in the progesterone and estrogen hormones,according to the scientists from the Austin in Texas. IgE antibodies in thebody decrease during the menopause period. It is important to say that theseallergies can occur at any time and you can be prone to them on one day, whiletomorrow you do not have to be prone to them at all. Scientists from all around the world are trying tofind a solution for this increasing problem in the world.

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