Pills or Alternative Medicine?
Depression needs no additionalintroduction as we all know how present it is in our everyday lives.Millions and millions of people are depressed in the world as wespeak. Most of them are usually on some kind of antidepressants withmild or severe side-effects due to everyday usage of these drugs.Moreover, these often offer either a placebo or a complete change ofyour personality, with mysterious effects and numerous negativeside-effects. Therefore, many people pay the price of not beingdepressed through enduring the hardships these medications have instore. Nevertheless, more and more people have experienced relief andfound a cure for their states of affairs through acupuncture.Although many look down on this approach, acupuncture has provenitself worthy numerous times, with treating different illnesses.Regardless, many still do not believe that it may cure depression aswell. Often, upon experiencing the power of this method, they areproven otherwise.
The Ways of Acupuncture
First and foremost, acupunctureconsiders our body as a whole. This body of ours needs to havelife energy flowing through it. Subsequently, there are numerouspathways through which this energy may flow. Therefore, allobstructions in these pathways cause dysfunctions in the well-beingof a person in question. Finally, through piercing one's skin withacupuncture needles, the practitioner of this discipline frees theobstructed pathways, enabling free flow of energy once more.
By following this pattern and takinginto consideration that depression is mostly caused by hormonalimbalance, it is easy to see what are the goals of acupuncture inthis respect. Namely, it is to balance our hormonal levels onceagain, removing depression, sleeping disorders and many otherside-effects of this imbalance.
Electroacupuncture is the type of thisdiscipline used for these purposes. Electric energy only increasesthe effectiveness of this method, triggering the production andbalancing of the hormones in question. The result includes absence ofdepression and its byproducts, headaches, fatigue, sleeping disorders, and many others.
Why Choose Acupuncture?
There are many reasons for choosingthis method of treating depression. First of all, there are noside-effects in contrary to antidepressants. Acupuncture deals withthe source of the problem, thereby removing the problem itself.Drugs, on the other hand, bomb our brain with different chemicals,which may be good or bad for these purposes. Additionally, while withantidepressants you are bound to taking them as long as you live,fearing that the depression will come back once you stop, acupunctureis for life. Thus, once you experience relief caused by acupuncture,your problems will not come back.
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