The Acai Berry is a fruit of the Acai palm tree. The Acai Berry is a deep purple colored grape-like Berry, primarily found in the Brazilian rain forests. The Acai Berries have been used for centuries for their medical properties. It consists of 10% of the pulp while the rest of the Berry is seed. Therefore, a large amount of Berries is needed to extract the healthy fruit juice. Modern technologies made it possible to enjoy the full benefits of Acai Berry juice in pre-packed food supplements that usually come in the form of a tablet.

Healthy properties of Acai Berry
Acai Berries extremely efficient in the process of weight loss. However, there are many other health benefits of Acai Berries including anti-aging properties, antioxidant properties and capability to reduce threat of some severe conditions such as a heart disease or tumors. Acai Berries are potent appetite suppressants that, at the same time, increase one’s energy and stamina and boost natural immunity.
Being full with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and fiber, Acai Berries are beneficial to dieters who often experience lack of necessary nutrients. Acai Berries may speed up the metabolism and improve the rate at which body burns out the calories. Fiber content from these Berries adds to the feeling of fullness and helps to prevent cravings for food. Fiber may also help to achieve normal bowel movements. Fiber will absorb water and add bulk to the large intestine, making bowel movements easier and making one feel satiated.
Antioxidant compounds found in Acai Berries are helpful in fighting numerous degenerative diseases and preventing premature aging.Antioxidants have health promoting effects, which include reduced risk of coronary heart disease, and prevention of cell damage caused by the activity of free radicals.
Acai Berries contain high levels of essential fatty acids, especially Omega-6 and Omega-9, vital for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels. These fatty acids are vital for health and they can be obtained only by the proper nutrition. The flavonoids, found in Acai Berries, have potential beneficial effects on human health as they have been reported to have antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-platelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, and antioxidant activities. They can also prevent tooth decay and enhance the immune system.
Choosing a right supplement
The market is full with different sorts of Acai Berry supplements. Before buying an Acai Berry supplement, it is advisable to get some information about the products, read the reviews or consult a health care provider. Reputable companies usually sell genuine products but most of the companies mix the Acai Berry with some other chemicals. One should always choose a 100% natural supplement made of pure Acai Berry extract. These natural supplements are produced in the process of dry freezing, without any other chemical compounds.
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