Glycerin (or sometimes also called the glycerol, which is thesame thing) belongs to the group of substances known as laxatives. It worksprimarily as the lubricant of the intestine (colon), but also as mild irritantof the intestinal muscles. Both of these effects are helpful in relieving theconstipation. Glycerin softens the stool, holding more water and causecontraction of the intestinal muscles, moving the stool and passing it out ofthe body.
Glycerin suppositories contain glycerin and gelatin as the substancesresponsible for the therapy effect.
As we already mentioned, glycerin is used to treatconstipation. This condition might be caused by a poor diet, lack of exercise,illness and lying in bed. Pregnant women and people treated with certain medications,such as pain killers also might experience constipation as the side effect.
Inform your doctor and pharmacist about all medications youhave been using, whether it is a prescription drug, OTC preparation or someherbal, homeopathic or some other remedy. Make sure they know all yourallergies, especially to some medications. Report stomach cramps, abdominalpain or other discomfort if you have any. Also, it is important to inform themif you think that your constipation is so bad that you have an intestinalblockage.
How to Use
Always read the leaflet in the medications package, andfollow the instructions. Remove the wrapping from the suppository and lightlywet it. If you are right handed lie on the left side and bend your knees to thechest. With index or middle finger press the suppository into the rectum as faras you can. Try to resist the urge to go to the toilet, because suppositories needsome 15 to 20 minutes to start working.
Potential Side Effects
Do not use laxatives for the treatment of chronic constipation,if your doctor didn’t recommend so.
Do not use glycerin suppositories if you experienceabdominal cramps or pain or bloating. If you feel sick or vomit don’t use italso.
Most patients don’t experience any side effects. Some peoplereported mild abdominal cramps, but no other potential problems. If you thinkyou have some problem related with these suppositories, consult your doctor orpharmacist.
Also, ask your pharmacist about all the OTC (over thecounter) preparations you might want to use, because some of these preparationsmight interact with glycerin suppositories.
Additional Advices for Constipation
Do not use laxatives to go to the toilet every day. You shouldn’tworry if you hadn’t been to the toilet for a day or two, because it can be anormal situation, and not constipation.
Improve your diet and include more fibers into your meals. Eatmore whole grain cereals and bread, bran, green leafy vegetables and fruits anddrink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Limit the consummation of refinedsugar and sweets, and eat less pastries and cheese. Avoid tea, coffee or coke,and also alcohol, since it might cause constipation.
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