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Erectile dysfunction is considered to be a fairly common medical condition, as it affects a large number of unfortunate men everywhere around the world. It is often confused with certain other medical conditions such as retarded ejaculation and premature ejaculation. These medical conditions are not related to the erectile dysfunction in any way. Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition which can easily be characterized as an inability to achieve and maintain a penile erection required for a normal sexual intercourse. It is a widely known fact that men from different age groups suffer from erectile dysfunction triggered by different factors andcauses.


When a teenager or a young male person suffers from erectile dysfunction it is usually triggered by anxiety. Anxiety commonly occurs because of the condom, fear of causing a pregnancy or the general nervousness about having sex. There are a large number of young men who have troubles maintaining their erection while wearing a condom, because it is usually gone once the condom is put on. Common causes of erectile dysfunction in men who belong to the middle aged group include bereavement, guilt, stress and overwork. There are also certain cases of erectile dysfunction in middle aged men who are triggered by diabetes. Post middle aged men are commonly affected by erectile dysfunction which occurs due to the natural process of aging. A large percentage of men who are over 70 years old are still sexually potent though. The largest number of cases of erectile dysfunction is caused by the narrowing of the blood vessels which are responsible for carrying the blood to the spongy tissues in the penis. Contrary to the popular belief, there is only a small number of rare cases of erectile dysfunction which are caused by insufficient amounts of male hormones in a person.

Summing up

Fortunately enough, erectile dysfunction can usually be treated rather easily, but one must always determine the exact cause of the condition first. There are a large number of cases which involve erectile dysfunction caused by both psychological and physical factors. One needs to reduce the consumption of alcohol, cut down on overwork and reduce the stress. It is also highly recommended to avoid all different types of tobacco products as much as possible. Sometimes a medication may be responsible for the development of erectile dysfunction. Proper amounts of sleep and rest are also of utmost importance. Talking to the partner about the problem and all possible solutions is probably the most important step of the treatment plan.

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