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A Brief Introduction

Thisarticle was triggered by the recent homicidal rampage which had occurred at an US Army base. During this rampage, an army major had killed thirteen and wounded thirty. So this is surely an urgent issue.

Ironically enough, the man who had started shooting for no apparent reason was also the army's shrink.

So the inevitable question would be: how on earth did an expert on the mind lose grip of his own so suddenly and end up in such a state? And furthermore, how come nobody – neither his seniors, nor his colleagues – could detect that Hason was cracking apart?

So what happened?

Thething is, if a person would like to crack the backbone of a military force, the most effective way of doing this would be delivering its soldiers into the hands of witchdoctors and others charlatan-alike.

And this scenario may be further worsened by giving the relevant charlatan the right to pump the soldiers with drugs which are impairing in terms of judgment, dull thought, slow reaction times, reduced impulse control, and so forth. And this is exactly the type of stuff that's been going on at that very place and time.

A lot of attention had been drawn to the fact that the major was a Muslim, as if to justify why the man had gone jihad on his very own. However, troubling as it may come off as to our western mindset, similar atrocities have been caused by members of other religions and atheists, too (such as Stalin, Hitler, and so forth).

So this leaves us with two ways of figuring. Either the security services checking the particular Muslim's reliability were fully asleep when it came to his particular case (which seems very unlikely), or the man did not go nuts simply because he was a Muslim.

Another strong point to consider would be the fact that a Muslim was indeed a psychiatrist. This is because Islam insists that a man is a spiritual being and that he needs no further guidance than that of his God in order to reach salvation. This is, of course, in stark contrast with the fundamentals of psychiatry.

We are thereby then left with the conclusion which tends to hold water the most: a psychiatrist administers psychiatry drugs. These drugs are sometimes and even often (if the psychiatrist is no good at what he or she does) the only and last resort of treatment.

Thereby, a psychiatrist has to have unhindered access to these drugs as well. And in turn, as a result of this, many of them turn to self-medication – which isn't always called for and doesn't always even prove as effective, as provided by how the above mentioned events happen to have played out.

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