This particular kindof therapy is the work of a psychiatrist of American descent, named Aaron T.Beck. Its particular purpose is to address the issues that are in directrelation with the cognitive behavioral therapy. The psychiatrist in questionalso set the grounds and paved the way for the development of such branches aspsychotherapy, psychopathology, and also psychometrics.
The substance behindthe approach
One of the basis ofBeck’s approach is the fact that unless one alters his present beliefs, theimprovement will just never come and be evident. For once these beliefs havechanged, so will the manifestations themselves. One of the functions that beliefsperform is that of operational units. Put more bluntly, this is to say thatperson’s beliefs and thoughts directly influence this person’s behavior, aswell as all the actions that are to follow from that moment on. In addition,according to Aaron Beck, the main culprit for the occurrence of dysfunctionalbehavior are exactly those dysfunctional thoughts, i.e. dysfunctional thinkingthat is molded by the person’s own beliefs. And it is these beliefs thatdetermine the way in which further actions will develop and be performed.
In practice andagainst the mean blues
Theorists who belongto this behavioral/cognitive school of thought put forth the notion thatdepression springs from distorted and senseless psychological perception. This furtheraffects the learning and the reasoning processes, twisting them completely. Thisparticular type of depression might have its roots either in some sort of atraumatic experience, or due to the inability for the person in question todevelop the adaptive coping skills. What follows people suffering fromdepression on every step they make is a negative perception and/or beliefdirectly related to their personality, as well as the surroundings they findthemselves in. Another minus point is that such people often view themselves asimproper for any line of activities, unable to achieve any success in theirlives and always assume the role of a victim of influencing factors.
How to remedy it?
A. Beck emphasizedthe importance and the necessity for a more in-depth comprehension and changeof beliefs, in order for the depression to be treated effectively. In thecourse of changing and transforming that destructive thinking spontaneously, the person being treated would come to a number of positive changes. Therefore,A. Beck pointed out to the immense importance a therapist would have in thissituation, and regarded the help of the therapist as essential for the mostsuccessful treatment. The way in which a therapist succeeds this is by encouraging theperson treated in putting forth more realistic aims, while at the same timeaccepting responsibility each action carries with it, as well as for thethoughts themselves.
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