ABrief Explanation of the Term
Massagingis a type of treatment which has been known for a very long time now,even long before before the real, medical benefits of receiving onewere even ever hinted at. It is presumably a French word, but itssemantics may indicate a variety of meanings in different languages,for instance in:
Greek, massein – to mash, rub
Arab, mass – to touch gently, wipe
Hebrew, mases – to touch, finger.
Simplyput, massaging involves applying scientifically grounded measureswhich have mechanical, as well as reflex influenceson the human body. The “massage actions” (the movements made by amasseur) are performed either by hand or by use of tools andmachines. Thus, their goal is the restoration of the strength andoverall health of the massaged.
Accordingto history, there is no clear cultural origin of this service. It hasbeen developed by many different cultures, actually nearly everyculture on Earth separately, for instance
Chinese and
whilesome of those were still unaware of one another. But onlyrecently has it received recognition for grantingnon-purely-hedonistic, real medically proven benefits. Until thatpoint it was considered a little more than a folk-medical treatmentpracticed by
bone splinter (people splinting bones) and
witch doctors, etc.,
asa means of attempting to
restore twisted or broken bones
heal diarrhea and
pain in the lumbar areas and
helping women in care of irregular uterine position.
Lateron, Swedish doctor P.Lingocombines the effects of massage with gymnastics to provide a broaderand more complete form of treatment. He was also the one whoscientifically classified the various massage techniques and theirmoves.
Anothergreat contributor to this field was the Russian doctor Zabludovsky.His research resulted in the development of several new massagetechniques as well as the application of massage moves in treatingpost-surgical pain as well as sports injuries.
Theuse of massage as a means of treating wounds was used particularlyduring WW2, and more frequently so as of then.
TheGeneral Massage
TheGeneral Massage is a type of massage when the whole body is treated,while in a particular position. The moves are carried out though acertain sequence. In accordance with the particular person's needs,the goal may be:
hygienic or
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