The metabolism is a name for the all chemical reactions thathappen in living beings and that are essential for maintaining life.It involves processes such as growth and reparation and maintenanceof existing structures, responses to the surroundings andreproduction. It all comes down to storing energy, using storedenergy, building new structures and tearing down old structures, allthe time, and on the microscopic level. In common words, metabolismis using what you have eaten to power you up and to repair you.Metabolism is healthy if it is swift. It makes you stay fit and slim,with good immune system and in good health. Also, having a high rate ofmetabolism means that you burn more 'fuel' in everyday activities. This means that by boosting the metabolism, you can burn more fat thanyou would normally. On the other hand, a slow metabolism causes peopleto gain weight and to feel tired and weary.
Vitamins of the B complex
Vitamins are substances that are important orcritical for the proper function of various metabolic processes. Somevitamins such as vitamin D can be synthesized in our own bodies,while others need to be taken through food. some of these vitaminsare said to boost metabolism, as they increase speed of variousmetabolic processes.
Vitamin B1 or thiamine can be found in wheat flour,kidney beans, pork and cereals. It has a significant role inmetabolic breaking of carbohydrates, or, simply, it helps to convertblood sugar into form of energy that can be used by our body.Thiamine also helps in prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin can be found in green vegetables, leafyplants and red meats. It aids production of red blood cells and iscrucial for eyesight. It also plays an important role in maintaininghealthy and elastic skin. Vitamin B3 or niacin is important forproper nerve function and good skin tone. these tow vitamins also aidin burning of calories that came from carbohydrates, proteins andfats.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid is important in production of newblood cells. Vegetables, mushrooms and whole grains are abundant withfolic acid. Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is essential for the properfunction of the immune system, as it, together with vitamin B9, helpsproduction of white blood cells, chief functional units of the immunesystem. It is present in animal products, but there is none inplants. So, vegetarians and vegans should use a supplement to gettheir necessary dose of vitamin B12.
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