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Intestinal Worms

Millions of the people around the world suffer from intestinal worms. Infestation with worms predominantly affects people living in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The percentage of affected people increases during raining season.

Intestinal worms belong to a group of parasites and their nature habitat includes intestine of animals and humans. Infestation with intestinal worms usually occurs after eating food contaminated with worms or drinking contaminated water. Some of the intestinal worms enter the body through the skin. This is typical way of how hookworms enter human body. The most common intestinal worm in humans is a roundworm. Apart from roundworms people can be hosts of several more worms including whipworms, threadworms, tapeworms, pinworms and hookworms.

Symptoms of Intestinal Worms

Majority of patients experience no symptoms at all. On the other hand, there may be certain symptoms and signs that may point to infestation. The symptoms and signs may also vary according to the worm that caused the disease.

Still there are certain symptoms that may occur in most cases of infestation. Some of them are chronic fatigue, loss of weight and inability to gain weight, persistent hunger, chronic urinary infection, skin rash and other problems with the skin, itchiness of the skin, itchiness of anal area (particularly at night), problems with digestion (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, mucous stools etc.), hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, trouble with the liver and gallbladder, numb hands, pain in the navel, back, thighs or shoulders. Some patients may complain about arthritic pain and water retention and women may suffer from menstrual irregularities. Infestation with round worms may also cause inflammation of the lungs while hookworms can even lead to anemia and nutritional disorders.

Treatment for Intestinal Worms

Patients are basically treated with specific medications and there are several home remedies which may be efficient in elimination of the parasite. As for medications, patients suffering from intestinal worms are generally administered anti-parasitic medications. The doctor will chose the most suitable solution depending of the parasite.

A variety of home remedies have been used to eradiate the parasite. Garlic is, for example, an excellent home remedy in battle against intestinal worms. It can be used fresh or in a form of oil. Three cloves of garlic are supposed to be eaten each day on an empty stomach.

Even carrots can be effective in elimination of intestinal worms. They can be amazingly useful in treatment of tapeworms in children.

Papaya contains specific digestive enzyme called papain which is a mighty agent against roundworms.

Another option is a glass of boiled water mixed with a tablespoon of rock salt especially if taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

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