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In normal pregnancies, a fertilized egg will make its way from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, and will start nestling itself into the endometrium the lining of the uterine wall. Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies in which develop outside the uterus. Tubal pregnancies, in which the embryo starts to nestle into a fallopian tube, are the most common form of ectopic pregnancy. Such pregnancies cannot be carried to term and can quickly become life threatening for the mother.

Generally, tubal pregnancies will start developing just like any other pregnancy. They will result in a missed period, the hormone hCG will be produced, and therefore you will get a positive pregnancy test. Women with tubal pregnancies will typically have run of the mill pregnancy signs and symptoms. They can sometimes be caught by "coincidental" early ultrasounds, or diagnosed after worrying symptoms start showing up. What are the symptoms of tubal pregnancies?

If you notice any of these, contact your OB/GYN as soon as you can, or head for the ER:

Abdominal pain, especially on one side, around the fallopian tube Constant abdominal discomfort No positive pregnancy test, but pregnancy symptoms Vaginal spotting or bleeding

Unfortunately, women who have been diagnosed with a tubal pregnancy cannot carry their pregnancy to term. Ectopic pregnancy treatment varies from medication that induces a miscarriage, to to surgery to remove the embryo from the fallopian tube, to removing the entire fallopian tube. In cases where the fallopian tube has already started to rupture, this is the only option. Rupture of the fallopian tube results in internal hemorrhage and can be fatal. That is why catching an ectopic pregnancy as soon as possible is of paramount importance. In some cases, "expectant management", which essentially involves waiting for a natural miscarriage under the watchful eye of a doctor, is decided on.

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