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When a baby suffers from an eye infection, it causes a lotof stress for the parents because the baby tends to cry all day long. There areviral infections and bacterial infections, and the bacterial ones are much moreserious than the viral ones. In most cases, infections that affect babies arethe viral ions. Eye infection triggered by a virus is referred to as viralconjunctivitis. Some people also call it pink eye. It can easily be triggered byexposure to pollen, smoke dust and various other irritants. The same can besaid for blocked tear ducts and different types of eye injuries. The infectionmay be triggered as a reaction to certain types of medications or it can betransferred by the mother to the baby.


Viral infections in babies can be easily recognized byswollen eyelids, watery eyes, puffy eyelids, redness of the white part of theeye and redness of the inside of the eyelids. Bacterial infections can becharacterized by all the aforementioned symptoms, but they may also beaccompanied by certain other symptoms such as yellow discharge from the eyesand eyelids stuck together. Blocked tear ducts in infants are quite common andcan be characterized by protrusion under the eyelids, yellow or whitedischarge, reddening skin and watery eyes. Blepharitis is a medical conditionwhich can easily be characterized by growth of eyelashes in wrong directions,loss of eyelashes, dry eyes, tearing and swollen, itchy and reddened eyelids.Periorbital cellulitis can be characterized by fever, tearing, difficulty inopening the eye and tender, swollen and reddened eyelids. Allergicconjunctivitis is a medical condition which can be easily recognized bysymptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, bloodshot eyes, itchy eyes, swelling,tearing, stingy discharge and redness. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized bysymptoms such as crusty eyes, watery discharge, tearing, swelling, irritation,redness, common cold and other various different types of respiratory viralinfections. Bacterial conjunctivitis is a medical condition characterized byyellow discharge, swollen eyelids, redness and pink eyes. Chalazion involvesthe development of small firm bump on the eyelid which may sometimes even bepainful. Eye stye is a pus filled bump on the eyelid which is often red andtender.

Baby Eye Infection Treatment

In most cases, viral infections heal on their own, without need for any specific treatment methods. Bacterial infections are much moreserious and they are usually taken care of by using antibiotic eye drops.

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