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Dealing with Feeding Problems at School

There are certain children who, forsome reason, experience feeding problems at school. Namely, theycannot eat what is served in the school cafeteria, being deprived ofsnacks and lunches at school. Since this is not an issue to beignored, it has to be dealt with as soon as possible.

There are various parts of the schooladministration which are to get involved once a problem like thisemerges. Through team work, creativity and productiveness of thepeople who are the embodiment of the educational system, feedingproblems like the one mentioned above can be solved quickly andeffectively.

Who Deals with These Problems?

First and foremost, the main key tosolving a child's feeding problem is the child him/herself. He/she iscarefully questioned and his/her problems are looked into.Additionally, the family of the child is involved in the wholeproject.

As far as the school staff is involved,occupational therapist and/or language pathologist are meant todesign the new feeding program for the child in need. Also, teachersand other educational professionals are to make sure the program isimplemented afterwards. Depending on the issue, various other membersof the school personnel may be involved. Thus, autism teacherconsultant, the principal, social worker, the cooks in the kitchenand many others, all can take place in this project, making thechild's feeding problems disappear. Finally, the child's physicianmay be consulted, as well as his/her nutritionist and/orpsychologist.

How Is the Change Made?

Before any actual steps are taken, allthe people involved in the project should have a meeting where theywill plan the project out. There, they will discuss the issue, noticeall of the problems the child is facing and do their best to find aconstructive solution. Members of the staff who will be in charge ofimplementing the program are additionally trained by hiredprofessionals and experts in the field.

Then, paperwork is done and the projectis engaged, being monitored during the whole semester or school year,where it is modified in case it does not fulfill its purpose.Naturally, all of the previously mentioned members of the schoolstaff are involved in the evaluation/modification.

After the formal planning is done,practical performance takes place. The child is given the modifiedmeal plan and schedule he/she attends and is monitored for thesuccess of the change or a possible need for improvement.

This kind of a plan should be appliedon a daily basis, providing all the conditions each individual childneeds in order to be provided with optimal feeding environmentregarding the routine, the food, and the surroundings.

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