ADHDstands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and since it is still a matter of debate, those who believe in it, also believe that it impairs the academic performance of about 5% of kids in America. More specifically, that means that two kids in each classroom suffer from ADHD.
Theapparent awareness of ADHD is also one of the reasons behind the many notions of transforming education systems across the world.
It is obvious that a child suffers from ADHD only after it has spent a significant amount of time in school. So, bluntly put, it is said that if a child is unable to sit put and listen throughout a lecture, it may be a victim of this disorder – and accordingly, parents are advised to seek medical advice concerning their child's problem.
Naturally,it is considered the teacher's job to identify and report the signs of behavior related to the disorder. This may prove a tad more difficult than it sounds, since not all “kids with ADHD” always display the traits straight away and all the time.
It is common for children with ADHD to share one or all of the followingtraits:
a high level of distractability
impulsiveness, and
excessive motor activity.
It is also important to note that even if the acronym contains the word, about 40% of ADHD kids are not hyperactive. Even if it is impossible for the teacher to know for sure if a child has this disorder, it is important for him/her to let a trained professional know in order to further examine the situation.
Diagnosing a child with ADHD is the lack of display of one or all of the following qualities:
activation (issues with regular daily tasks)
focus (issues sustaining focus)
effort (high level of resistance or issues with motivation)
emotion (problems regulating one's emotions)
memory (short term memory issues)
action (self-control/self-regulation issues).
AnIndividualized Educational Plan
Akid with ADHD will most certainly need a personalized education plan. One of the important things is that kids with ADHD work better with shorter tasks. Accordingly, homework ought to be broken into smaller and less complex units. Upon each completed task, extra encouragement ought to be provided as a form of reward.
ADHD students also prove to be more difficult for testing, since the time limit provides them with extra anxiety. Providing extra time for each test may be needed.
Conclusively,however frustrating managing a kid with ADHD might be, it is important to remember at all times that their behavior is not a matter regulated by their own free will, and that recognizing and reinforcing key parts of their good behavior is very important for their improvement, too.
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