Endometriosis is medical condition when endometrial tissuestarts to grow somewhere outside the uterus. In most cases, it starts to growin the pelvic area, but it can also grow in the lungs, the brain or any otherpart of the body.
Women experiencing endometriosis might suffer from pelvicpain, abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility. Endometrial tissue isstimulated by hormones of menstruation and because of that the pain worsensbefore the menstruation and during the ovulation. Presence of other symptoms dependson the localization of the endometrial tissue. If this tissue grows between therectum and the uterus, it might cause painful sexual intercourse, and also somepressure in the rectal area of the body. Some patients don’t have any symptoms andproblems, but endometriosis gets discovered during some routine health check-ups.
Natural Endometriosis Treatment
Endometriosis has been linked to immune system problems, sosupporting this system might be good treatment for women suffering from this problem. Natural progesterone, packs of castor oil, acupuncture, herbalremedies and massages may be your choice when dealing with this medicalcondition.
Natural progesterone decrease effects of female hormones onthe endometrial tissue, without any side effects. This hormone can be used asthe cream and applied to the areas of the body where the skin is soft, likethe face, neck or abdominal region, from 10th to 28th dayof the cycles. Capsules of natural progesterone might also be used. The dose is200 to 400mg, two times per day and the capsules are usually inserted intothe rectum or vagina.
Castor oil packs are used at least three times per week onthe lower abdomen, and every session should last for one hour. To manage thepain, many women suffering from endometriosis turned to acupuncture and sometraditional Chinese herbal remedies, as well as various weekly massages.
Nutrition to Manage Endometriosis Pain
Food that could increase production of estrogen should beused minimally by every patient suffering from endometriosis. This includes minimizingthe fats and removing all dairy products from the menu (including low-fat products as well).
To manage the pain, these women should increase intake offibers and take some multivitamins rich in vitamin B complex. Magnesium supplementsare also beneficial, because they can help and relax the muscles, and recommendeddose is about 400 to 800mg.
Essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6 fattyacids, amino acid L-phenylalanine, selenium, zinc citrate or chelated zinc, vitaminsA, B complex, C and E, as well as probiotics, resveratrol, quercitin andproanthocyanidins may all help you alleviate the pain caused by endometriosis.
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